Scaling Sustainable Hemp
The Wilson College of Textiles is very excited to host the Evolving Textiles Executive Round Table: Scaling Sustainable Hemp.
The executive round table will focus on the progress being made at NC State University and in the industry on scaling up sustainable textile-grade hemp production in the United States.
Day one will feature a tour at the Horticultural Crops Research Station in Clinton, NC where hemp is currently being researched and produced by NC State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Day two will include round table discussions in which everyone who attends must participate. The topics will surround key ideas for scaling sustainable hemp.
The live, in-person round table will be by invitation only for those working to scale textile-grade fiber hemp in the U.S., however, a recording will be made available afterward for purchase for those that are interested. Additionally, tours of the facilities at the Wilson College of Textiles will be offered during the event.
This event is designed to spark action, not discussion. The idea of the Evolving Textiles Conference is to develop attainable goals and work toward having a measurable impact on sustainability in the textile industry over time. We are just as excited to participate as we are to host it. See you in July!
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A sustainable textile system should bring wellbeing and value to society through the provision of safe, high-quality and affordable textile products and the creation of inclusive jobs with fair wages and working conditions, while at the same time minimising any negative environmental and social impacts, and respecting the carrying capacity of the planet.
2019 Eionet Report
Textiles and the Environment in a Circular Economy